works, installations and media artifacts by Alessandro Capozzo
December 2024
After twenty years, abstract-codex is coming to an end or rather, it will remain as it is from now on, perhaps. Future works will be hosted on a new site: www.proteiforme.xyz.
August 2023
Surfing on the algorithm. Group exhibition with Marco Cadioli, Giovanni Fredi, Federico Poni, Eleonora Roaro, Guido Segni, Stefano SperaSMDot Gallery. Udine, Italy
August 2021
L'Orologio Ritrovato. Festival of Digital Art and Baroque Music, Villa Contarini. Piazzola del Brenta, Italy
September 2019
ARS ELECTRONICA 2019, Gallery Spaces. Solo exhibition for Artericambi gallery. Linz, Austria
February 2019
Interfacce del presente,group exhibtionation for Milano Digital Week. Withh Marco Cadioli, Ursula Dammi, Edwin Van der Heide, Limiteazero, Macoto Murayama, Philipe Smith, and Anna Titovets Curatated byTiziana Gemin and Fabio Paris. BASE, Milan, Italy.
September 2019
ARS ELECTRONICA 2019, Gallery Spaces. Solo exhibition for Artericambi gallery. Linz, Austria
February 2019
Interfacce del presente,group exhibtionation for Milano Digital Week. Withh Marco Cadioli, Ursula Dammi, Edwin Van der Heide, Limiteazero, Macoto Murayama, Philipe Smith, and Anna Titovets Curatated byTiziana Gemi and Fabio Paris. BASE, Milan, Italy.
April 2018
REFRESH 02 - #LAYERS, Contemporary Art in the Digital Era : A group exhibition curated by Fabio Paris for IMAL with Marco Cadioli, Alessandro Capozzo, Pier Giorgio De Pinto, Luca Grillo, IOCOSE, Kamilia Kard, Eva & Franco Mattes, Marco Mendeni, Martina Menegon, Filippo Minelli, Simone Monsi, Alice Palamenghi, Guido Segni, Emilio Vavarella and Carlo Zanni. Le Raffinerie, Bruxelles.
March 2018
A room with Views Group exhibtion with Marco Cadioli, Francesco Gagliani,IOCOSE, Kamilia Kard, Marco Mendeni curatated by Tiziana Gemin. IED, Milan, Italy.
23nd October 2016
#LAYERS: A group exhibition curated Fabio Paris for LINK ART CENTER with Marco Cadioli, Alka Cappellazzo, Pier Giorgio De Pinto, Luca Grillo, IOCOSE, Kamilia Kard, Eva e Franco Mattes, Marco Mendeni, Filippo Minelli, Simone Monsi, Alice Palamenghi. Spazio Contempoanea gallery, Brescia, Italy.
March 2016
Stato Solido, Group exhibtion with Andrea Alvino, Marco Cadioli, Kamilia Kard, Tony Light, Marco Mendeni, Flavio Scutti. Galleria Kalpany, Milano, Italy.
22nd July 2015
6 P.M.Your Local Time: Melons, Skrewdrivers and other Tales. A collective exhibition with Marco Cadioli, Alessandro Capozzo, Matteo Cremonesi, Kamilia Kard, Marco Mendeni, and Flavio Scutti. WeMake, Milan, Italy.
January 2015
En Plain Art, permanent public art collective exhibtion. Brescia, Italy.
9th October 2012 - 10th February 2013
A new installation designed with Paolo Rigamonti for HubLab is shown at L'Architettura del Mondo exhibition. Triennale Design Museum, Milan, Italy.
21st September 2012 - 13th January 2013
Two installations designed with limiteazero are shown at Homo Sapiens exhibition. Museo Tridentino di Scineze Naturali, Trento, Italy.
10th Novembre 2011 - 9th April 2012
Three new installation designed with limteazero are shown at Homo Sapiens exhibition. Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, Italy.
18th December 2010 - 8th February 2011
Some new and old works have been included in Living Codes group exhibition curated by Domenico Quaranta. Paci Arte gallery, Brescia, Italy.
23th - 25th July 2010
Talea has been showed at Interferenze Festival, exhibition curated by Valentina Tanni. Bisaccia, Italy.
14th April - 7th July 2010
New installation has been commisioned by INFN for Invisibile Meraviglia exhibtion. Museo di Scienze Naturaii, Turin.
27th October 2009 - 14th February 2010
New installations have been commisioned by INFN for Astri e Particelle exhibtion. Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome.
2nd - 13th April 2009
Exuvia has been included in KIOSK,
a goup exhibition curated by Yves
Berrnard and Domenico
Quaranta for STRP festival.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
10th March - 19th April 2009
Talea has been selected for File
in Rio. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
June 2008
A short paper, Generative.*; Six point of friction, has been
included in Struttura
#3 / Organica; A catalogue and colllection of essays published by
Clueb. Italy.
29th May - 7th June 2008
code.specific(alpha); has been
selected for 404 Festival.
29th May - 2nd June, Trieste, Italy.
4th - 7th June. Basel, Switzerland.
6th - 18th May 2008
Exuvia will be exhibited at Cartes
Flux festival. Espoo. Finland.
6th - 16th March 2008
Software installation for "Archetipi dell'anima" group exhibition.
Palazzo del Comune. Cremona, Italy.
31st Januray - 26th July 2008
Relations has been inclueded in Optronica
generative animations selection ( with works by Dextro,
David Muth and
U-Sun). Exhibition organized by Cinefeel
and curated by Françoise Lamy. Le
Cube, Paris. France.
5th - 8th November 2007
Lab. A Processing workshop
for designing sound reactive software. Teachers: A. Capozzo and F. Franchino.
Turin, Italy.
27th October 2007
Morphogenetics second step. A software art panel at Festival
della Creatività organized by Media
Boulevard, with Valentina Culatti, Fabio
Franchino, Limiteazero and
Team sounDesign.
Florence, Italy.
8th September 2007
I will take part in Morphogenetics, a software art panel, at Struttura
festival with Leandro
Pisano, Laura
Bardier, Fabio
Franchino and Team
sounDesign. Livorno, Italy.
19th - 24th April 2007
code.specific(alpha); has been
included in FILE RIO 2007. Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil.
7th October - 12th November2006
Exuvia and Relations
will be exhibited at 'IN_RETE'
Miniartetxtil 2006. Chief Curator, Luciano Caramel. New Media Art
Curator, Domenico Quaranta.
Como, Italy.
14th August - 3rd September 2006
code.specific(alpha); has been
selected for FILE 2006,
Electronic Language International Festival. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
30th July - 3rd August 2006
Exuvia will be exhibited at Siggraph
2006 ArtGallery. Boston, USA.
27th June 2006
C.stem at Allegretti
artgallery. A group exhibition of generative art. Turin, Italy.
16th - 18th June 2006
Collaborative exhibition with Katja
Noppes at "Ex Cantieri navali" as part of "Ultimissimi",
four art exhibition curated by Sonia
Rolak. Venice, Italy.
1st - 2nd June 2006
New printed works will be exhibited at C.stem.
The collective exhibition will include also new works by Fabio
Franchino, Limiteazero
and Marius Watz.
Turin, Italy.
25th - 28th May 2006
Some abstract-codex software will be exhibited at MixedMedia.
Festival of new media art, architecture and audiovisual performances.
Hangar Bicocca, Milan. Italy.
8th April 2006
code.specific(alpha); is a
new work created for @WEB,
a net art group exhibition curated by Corrado Mora for sitespecific.it.
20th March - 20th April 2006
Libitum and 6
Flora Variations have been included in FILE
RIO 2006. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
23th January 2006
Some applets have been added to Mousikelab
Gallery. Neaple, Italy.
29th November - 2nd Dicember 2005
Some Abstract-Codex works have been selected for 404
International Festival of Electronic Art. Rosario, Argentina.
11th November - 12th November 2005
Software installation for ClubToClub
festival at Fondazione Re Sandretto
Rabaudengo. Turin, Italy.
1st November - 20th November 2005
Ad Libitum has been
selected for FILE Festival 2005
in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
13th October - 2nd November 2005
Machfeld (aka Sabine
Maier and Michael Mastrototaro) kindly ask me to collaborate to their
VISP installation
project. It will be exhibited at medien.KUNSTLABOR,
Graz, Austria.
30th September - 2nd October 2005
ABSTRACT-CODEX has been selected for Videomedeja
Festival in Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro.
11th - 15th August 2005
ABSTRACT-CODEX has been included in Weblife, a net.art selection for P.A.V
(contemporary art exhibition of Time
in Jazz festival), Berchidda (Sassari), Italy.
Weblife exhibition is curated by Valentina
20th May 2005
Ad Libitum has been
included in Dots
and Lines, an online exhibition for the BBC
website in collaboration with the Sonic
Arts Network in London, UK.
Exhibition curated by Honor
11th - 15th May 2005
Abstract-Codex has been selected for WRO
05 International Media Art Biennale competition at Wroclaw, Poland.
9th May 2005
Kindly Ema
Tomatucha ask me to collabotate to RGB
2.0, an interactive installation/performance, at Prague Entermultimediale
Festival, Czech Republic.
2nd April 2005
ABSTRACT-CODEX presentation and screening at EXPA
gallery, Palermo Italy.
Event curated by Barbara Sansone
Dicember 2004
Some sketches featured in "FLASH
HACKS" by Sham Bhangal - O'Reilly Media - USA.
Dicember 2004
Libitum has been added to soundtoys.net.
23nd November - 12th Dicember 2004
Relations have
been selected for FILE Festival 2004
in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
6th November 2004
Interactive Arborization added to Interaxity, a motion tracking installation
in Gent.
2nd - 4th November 2004
Proce55ing workshop at Dorkbot
Gent, Belgium.
21st July 2004
The Italian Processing reference is complete!
If you see any errors or have any comments, please contact me.
23th May 2004
17th May 2004
"Relations environment" added to processing.org exhibition.