
The self-representation of software through a concrete metaphore
A project by Alessandro Capozzo and Katja
code.specific(beta); is an installation based on a former
web based software ( alpha version).
code.specific is a tautology: a software analyzing and representing itself
(its code) as a synthetic architectonic structure.
The physical aspect of the work consists in a small pillar coated with
a surface of silicon rubber. The material has been shaped with a wooden
formwork using a method similar to the concrete pouring process.
Over the parallelepiped an LCD display, visualizing software output, has
been mounted on.
Audience could interact with the software by two infrared ranger sensors
mounted on two small iron structures, the system allows different kind
of interaction: rotating the visualization on two axis, hacking the orthogonal
aspect and displaying the software code.
This installation has been conceived as the second stage of a software
objectification process.
Alessandro Capozzo and Katja Noppes, "code.specific(beta);",
2006. Analog and digital mixed media.
Software ( built with Processing),
LCD display, computer hardware, microcontroller, infrared sensors,
silicon rubber, wood, iron, various cables and ironmongery.
Installation plan
